What colors would you like us to use for your website? Please let us know below. If you have a current website and want us to use the same colors, please provide the link to your current website.
Colors play a crucial role in website design, as they can influence the user's emotions and behavior. Color schemes like RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and Hex values are popular methods for representing colors in web design. RGB values are three numbers separated by commas, such as (255, 0, 0) for pure red. Hex values are six-digit codes representing the intensity of red, green, and blue light in hexadecimal notation. For instance, #FF0000 represents pure red in Hex.
You can use
redketchup.io or a similar one to find the RGB or HEX value of the colors you want us to use.
Please organize all the written content and images you'd like us to include on your website in a Google Drive folder. Make sure to create sub-folders like Home page, Contact Us, About Us, Etc., inside the main Google Drive folder to clarify the content placement.
Please ensure that you've given full rights for the folder to our email ID
[email protected]If there's anything else you think we need to know about your website vision or company goals, please list them here.